Register today: Our Vote / Our Power / Our Voice: Why your vote matters now
Action to Equity forum on fighting voter suppression and sustaining activism beyond the polls
Thursday, October 8, 6-8:30pm, online
No matter our race, cultural background, or zip code, our votes are our power. This election season, it's critical we understand that whether we're Black, Brown, or White, our liberation is tied together. Let's raise our voices against voter suppression and vote in record numbers to swear in a government of, by, and for the people.
To organize for 100% voter participation on the West Side – and discuss how we can sustain our activism beyond Election Day – register today for WSCO's Action to Equity forum. The online event will include a panel discussion and breakout groups.
This event will be held by Zoom. An email with the Zoom information will be sent before the event to folks who register. #WestSide100.