- How to Make a Housing Complaint: a how-to guide for residents to work with the City's Department of Safety and Inspections
- Sample form letters from HOMELine: these letters "help you communicate and document your rental housing issues. The forms are are not legal advice. If you have a legal question about your situation or need advice about using any of the forms, contact our tenant hotline 612-728-5767 (or 612-255-8870 en español).
- Housing Justice Center: lists resources, reports, and litigation related to housing justice in Minnesota
- A, B, C, D? Look up the inspection grade for your rental unit on the City of Saint Paul's Department of Safety and Inspections interactive map.
- Search for affordable rental housing vacancies and waiting list openings on HousingLink's website
Tenant organizing resources
- DSA-NYC Tenant Organizing Manual
- Chicago ATU tenant organizing How-To zine
- HOME Line “Form a Tenant Association”
- MN Tenant-Landlord law resources
- Tenants Together
- Has your rent increased? Report a rent hike
Housing service referrals
WSCO is not a direct service provider. However, we do our best to help refer you to available resources:
HOMEline is a free legal-aid hotline for tenants across Minnesota: 612-728-5767 or 612-255-8870 en español
- Southern Minnesota Regional Legal Services (SMRLS) is a legal aid organization that can help low-income individuals on tenant and other issues : 1-888-575-2954
- Neighborhood House: Family Centers can offer support and assistance if you are facing a housing crisis; call their intake number to set up an appointment: 651-793-7340
- Ramsey County Housing Services
- Emergency Rental Assistance in Saint Paul
- Minnesota Housing Finance Agency: resources and contact information to help people who need rental assistance, affordable rental housing, or shelter.
- Housing Link: information and resources to find affordable and subsidized housing
- Housing Benefits 101: information on how to access homeless services in your county, keep your housing, and change your home. You can also call, email, or chat online with resource experts.
- Family Homeless Prevention and Assistance Program
- www.mnhousing.org Rental or energy assistance to help prevent utility shut-offs or an eviction.
- Neighborhood Development Alliance (NeDA)
- United Way 2-1-1 Resource Directory
- Housing Options for Low Income Seniors: To help older adults explore low income senior housing, RetireGuide has created an article that highlights various housing options, available financial assistance programs and more.
- Saint Paul Public Housing Agency housing applications
Resources for landlords
Are you a landlord invested in housing justice? Do you have questions about how to get involved? Contact us!
- Landlord 101 course: From the City of St. Paul, this class provides foundations for the development of property management skills and to better understand tenant, landlord relationships and responsibilities.
- Resources for Tenant & Landlord Issues (City of St. Paul Page)
- Landlords and Tenants: Rights and Responsibilities - The rights and duties of landlords and tenants in Minnesota law.
- Rental Rehabilitation Loan Program - Landlords can get help preserve existing affordable rental housing options in Saint Paul.
Community Care & Safety
- Disability Hub Minnesota
WSCO’s research on police violence with the ACLU and the U of M’s Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA) (report forthcoming).
Until We Reckon: Violence, Mass Incarceration, and a Road to Repair by Danie
lle Sered
We Keep Us Safe by Zach Norris
The work of local community group Root and Restore Saint Paul
Treatment Services Locator Call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or visit the Treatment Services Locator Free, completely confidential, and available 24/7/365, this service from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) can help you find treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations in your area.
- Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective’s Get Help Now guide
- Neighborhood House– Neighborhood has two food markets: the Wellstone Food Market in the Paul & Sheila Wellstone Center on St. Paul’s West Side, and the second in Sibley Manor in Highland Park. Both locations provide food to those seeking assistance, and connect participants to critical community resources that help them move “from survive to thrive" visit: http://neighb.org/program/foodsupportprogram/
- Loaves and Fishes Minnesota– Free meals are offered regularly at St. Matthew’s Church through Loaves and Fishes. For more information on additional locations, menus, or schedules, go to: https://www.loavesandfishesmn.org/dining-sites/
- West Side Farmers Market– A project of Growing West Side, the farmer’s market is held on Saturday mornings during the growing season from 8:30-12:30. The WSFM now accepts EBT benefits. For more information, visit: https://westsidefarmersmarket.net/
- Vikings Children’s Fund Summer Lunch Program- Free lunches are offered to children ages 18 and younger during the summer months. For schedule and locations, visit: http://www.2harvest.org/site/PageServer?pagename=progserv_sfsp
- GROWS: Growing Resilience on the West Side is a coalition between organizations and individuals on the West Side, including WSCO, that are working on food justice. Seasonal activities include free food at our communal gardens, and a free farm stand at Parque Castillo. Learn more at https://www.wsco.org/grows
Local Government
City, County, and State Government Links:
City of St. Paul: www.stpaul.gov/
St. Paul District Councils: District Council Directory
Ramsey County: http://www.co.ramsey.mn.us/home/index.htm
State of Minnesota Government: www.govspot.com/state/mn.htm
City of St. Paul Department of Safety and Inspections: http://www.stpaul.gov/index.aspx?NID=201
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources: www.dnr.state.mn.us/index.html
Voting Information
Office of the Secretary of State – http://www.sos.state.mn.us/home/index.asp
Voting and Election Information – http://www.sos.state.mn.us/home/index.asp?page=4
Where Do I Vote?: Use this Pollfinder to find your polling place location and election districts.
Apply to be on a Board or Commission
State and Metropolitan Boards & Commissions http://www.sos.state.mn.us/boards-commissions/
City of St. Paul Boards & Commissions https://www.stpaul.gov/departments/mayors-office/committees-boards-and-commissions/boards-and-commissions-listing-and
Ramsey County Boards & Commissions https://www.ramseycounty.us/your-government/volunteer/advisory-boards-committees
Community Impact Statements (CIS)
Community members impacted by a crime have the right to submit a written impact statement at the sentencing hearing as authorized by Minn. Stat. 611A.038. Please contact WSCO if you and/or your neighbors are interested in submitting a CIS and we’ll help you organize a meeting with your neighbors and navigate the process.
For more information on recycling, visit Ramsey County’s website: Ramsey Recycles. There is also a 24 hour hot line answered 24/7 at 651-633-EASY (3279)
To reach Eureka Recycling click here.
You can also learn about their organics recycling here: Organics Recycling.
Minnesota Office of Energy Security – information on energy assistance funds, information and assistance to residents, builders, utilities, non-profits and policy-makers on home improvements, financial assistance, renewable technologies, policy initiatives and utility regulations. House Improvement specifics at this link.
Xcel Energy Home Energy Squad – free assessment and installation of energy efficient materials including programmable thermostats, energy-efficient water heaters, and compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs)
Transit for Livable Communities -is a nonprofit organization working to reform Minnesota’s transportation system. Through advocacy, organizing, and research, we promote a balanced transportation system that encourages transit, walking, bicycling, and thoughtful development.is a nonprofit organization working to reform Minnesota’s transportation system.
Bicycling Resources – http://www.metrotransit.org/bike/resources.asp
Public Transit Maps, Schedules- http://www.metrotransit.org
Local Business Support
WSCO is working on supporting local West Side businesses. Some of our current initiatives are listed below!
- West Side Rising - Our Streets, Our Stories is a community driven commercial corridor branding project that resulted in new banners for District del Sol area and upcoming public art in the Stryker and Smith Ave corridors.
- District del Sol Business Improvement Grants inpartnership with the Commercial Vitality Zone (CVZ) program of the City of Saint Paul WSCO is offering competitive grants to small businesses locate in the District del Sol area for physical improvements.
Covid Economic Policy Analysis, Facts, Research – with an Equity Lens
2020 Annual Meeting Community Resources Flyer