We envision a just and joyful neighborhood where new development and wealth creation benefit all West Siders – no matter what we look like or where we come from. In this neighborhood, all West Siders have access to affordable, quality housing; opportunities to build wealth; transportation; and a healthy environment.
The Equitable Development Scorecard is a tool developed by West Siders, for West Siders, to decide whether we, the community, support development projects and other investments proposed for our neighborhood.
Download the West Side Equitable Development Scorecard
Why does it matter to me?
Too often, West Siders have had little say about development that comes into our neighborhood. As a result, development hasn't always benefited us. In fact, it has frequently hurt us by forcing people to move– especially Black and Indigenous people, people of color, and immigrants. As our community grows and changes, the scorecard gives us, West Siders, a say in new projects. That way, building by building, block by block, we can create a neighborhood that fits out vision, values, and priorities – now, and for future generations.
How can I get involved?
Are you a West Sider interested in equitable development, land use, and urban planning? Do you have experience advocating for racial justice? Are you interested in learning about how we can acknowledge and repair the harm caused by displacement in our neighborhood’s history?
If so, we invite you to contact us to learn more about joining our Equitable Development Scorecard team! Click here to learn more.
Who uses the scorecard?
West Siders! As a neighborhood organization and a city planning council, West Side Community Organization provides a platform for community voices. We make sure proposed projects fit the long-term neighborhood plans we've developed together. We also support a team of West Siders – the Equitable Development Scorecard Team– to open conversation with developers, score proposed projects, and engage with their neighbors for feedback and discussion.
How does the scorecard work?
Here's how the West Side uses the scorecard to proactively impact development in OUR neighborhood to benefit US!
How will it be used?
The Scorecard will be added to our District Council West Side Community 10 Year Plan at City Hall. Any developer who files a development proposal for our area will answer the questions laid out in the scorecard to be scored and then work with the community to ensure their development plans fit with our values & priorities for our neighborhood.
Learn more about West Side planning documents here!
Why is it important?
The West Side neighborhood has historically been disinvested in and our voices have not been heard. The Scorecard will be used to ensure that any development that comes to the West Side benefits our neighborhood and creates a balance of power between the community, the city, and developers.
How was the scorecard created?
Following the 2018 West Side Action to Equity Series, a team of West Side resident volunteers came together to draft the West Side Equitable Development Scorecard. This involved extensive community engagement and feedback sessions and innumerable drafts of the document. The timeline below gives a snapshot of its creation. Learn more about the West Side Action to Equity series below, and check out videos of West Side Action to Equity Sessions.
What is the role of St. Paul district councils in ensuring equitable development for their residents?