MnDOT has planned two community meetings this August to discuss impacts and mitigation around the High Bridge, Smith Ave. & Highway 149 construction.
Wed, Aug. 16
5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Capital View Cafe
637 Smith Ave.
St. Paul, 55107
Tue, Aug. 22
5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Bad Weather Brewery Company
Community Room
414 West Seventh St.
St. Paul, 55102
Work Zone Proposed Detour Routes
MNDot Recently announced the High Bridge will be closing on September 5th, 2017.
The bridge is estimated to be closed for at lease 16 months during the project, with additional road closures happening along Highway 149 as construction occurs there as well.
More info on the project can be found on the MnDOT website.
Summary of work (taken from the MnDOT Project webpage)
Construction crews will resurface Smith Ave. and Dodd Rd/Hwy 149 between West 7th St. in St. Paul and I-494 in Mendota Heights, and Annapolis St. (Hwy 13) between Smith Ave. and Cherokee Heights Blvd in St. Paul, West St. Paul and Mendota Heights. Crews will also reconstruct the driving surface (bridge deck) of the Smith Ave. High Bridge over the Mississippi River. Additional proposed work includes:
- Improving drainage, sidewalks and pedestrian accessibility
- Replacing signals at five intersections:
- Smith Ave. and West 7th St.
- Smith Ave. and George St.
- Smith Ave. and Annapolis St.
- Smith Ave. and Dodd Rd.
- Dodd Rd. and the I-494 north ramp terminal
- Constructing an additional left turn lane from westbound I-494 to southbound Dodd Rd/Hwy 149
- Removing ash trees within the project limits