Update: Event rescheduled to April 14th due to weather
Did you or your family grow up on the West Side Flats? Did you have to leave your home?
Hundreds of families from the West Side Flats were forced out of their homes to create the Riverview Industrial Park in the 1960s.
How can the harm from this displacement be repaired? What should the future of the West Side Flats look like? Speak out and share your ideas!
A group of West Siders has held several gatherings over the past year with our neighbors to listen to stories from growing up on the Flats, identify how displacement is continuing in our neighborhood today, and envision a future where everyone is able to thrive in on the West Side for generations to come.
In this session, West Siders are invited to a gathering with local elected officials and decisionmakers to talk about community recommendations for how to address the harms caused by displacement on the West Side. The office of the Mayor of Saint Paul, Councilmember Rebecca Noecker, Representative Maria Isa Perez Vega, representatives from the Saint Paul Port Authority, and others will be present to listen to community members.
These gatherings inform ongoing research that will be published in an upcoming report from Research in Action, and will guide ongoing community organizing work by the West Side Community Organization.
Click here to learn more about this project.
Event details:
- From the Flats to the Future: A community conversation for West Siders and descendants of displacement on the West Side
- Updated date: Sunday, April 14th from 1:30pm-4:30pm
- Wellstone Center, in the West Side Room #272, 179 Robie Street East Saint Paul, MN 55107
- Organized by the West Side Community Organization and Research in Action
- Black, Indigenous, Mexican, Latino, Latina, Latinx, Lebanese, and Jewish participants are especially encouraged to attend.