Did you know, a new incinerator is being planned to burn sewage across the river from the West Side? Come to a training on Saturday, June 25th to learn how to submit a public comment and share your opinion about how this may impact you and your neighborhood.
The Star Tribune reports: “So far, neighborhood groups are not formally opposing the expansion but many are asking questions about fairness and environmental justice. ‘There is concern,’ said Monica Bravo, executive director of the West Side Community Organization, the neighborhood group located on the opposite bank of the river. ‘The West Side already disproportionately shoulders the environmental harms of the city. We have several toxic sites. Anything new that is coming is going to put people on high alert.’ West Side neighborhood leaders are partnering with the Sierra Club to prepare for an upcoming public comment period.”
- Visit the Met Council's website with information about the wastewater plant.
- Check out a fact sheet from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
- The Minnesota Pollution Control agency is reviewing the permit requests, environmental assessments, and preparing for public comment periods. Learn more about this process on their website.
The Public Comment Training on June 25 is hosted by WSCO and the Sierra Club North Star Chapter