Below is a list of local resources. If you know of something that we should add please email it to [email protected]
2020 Annual Meeting Community Resources Flyer
Neighborhood House Food Market
Wellstone Center- 179 Robie Street East
Hours: 10am – 11:30am and 2pm-3:30pm
The food market will be providing curbside pre-packaged emergency bags. We accept walk-up and drive-up pick-up. Please call 651-789-2534 when you arrive and we will bring out your groceries.
Can’t visit the food market in person and need your groceries delivered?
Call 651-789-2534 and let the operator know you would like to order emergency bags for delivery. They will be taking calls for delivery between 9 a.m.–12 p.m. and 1–4 p.m. All calls before 12 p.m. will guarantee next-day delivery. All calls after 12 p.m. will guarantee delivery in two days.
Saint Paul Public Schools Meal Access
Boys and Girls Club Family Meal Kits call 651-222-2212
St. Matts Church- Loaves and Fishes
490 Hall Ave. St. Paul, MN 55107 (651) 224-1060
Hot evening meal from 5:00 to 6:00pm, Mondays through Fridays, take-out.
Food Pantries in Minnesota - listed by city
Apply for cash, emergency, and food assistance (SNAP) at
Give Me the Mike - list of programs and restaurants that offer free food to MN families
Helpline (1-888-711-1151) and our Find Help Map.
Blog - 5 ways to help food shelves
Minneapolis Public Schools Meal Pick Up Locations
Minnesota Farmers' Market Association
St. Paul Farmers Market is open on 3/21/2020 from 9 am - 1 pm in Lowertown, 5th St E, St Paul, 55101.
Rally Around Mpls Small Biz - statuses of local restaurants (i.e., open/closed/available for takeout/delivery)
Neighborhood House: (651) 789-2500 or (651) 793-7349
Free Legal Help for Renters (Website is available in English, Spanish, and Somali --select language at the top.)
English: 612-728-5767
Spanish: 612-255-8870
Somali: 612-255-8860
Hmong: 612-255-7104
Greater MN: 866-866-3546
Tenant Resource Center - Call 612-302-3180 for support. You can leave a message on the voicemail. Calls will be returned within 24 hours.
Resources available on eviction and homelessness prevention, emergency assistance, mediation, workforce, and legal assistance.
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and Unemployment Benefits: The Unemployment Insurance program is ready to assist workers who can’t work, workers who have had their hours reduced, and workers who have lost their jobs as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Twin Cities area: 651-296-3644
Greater Minnesota: 1-877-898-9090;
TTY users: 1-866-814-1252
Apply for cash, emergency, and food assistance (SNAP) at
Relief Funds
MN Immigrant Family Fund hosted by Navigate / Unidos MN
MN Restaurant Workers Solidarity Relief Fund
Restaurant Opportunities Center Disaster Relief Fund
Springboard for the Arts Relief Fund
Service Workers Mutual Aid Fund
Fund for Women and Non-Binary Folks
Additional Resources
Casa de Esperanza domestic violence help
Crisis Line (651) 772-1611
Office (651) 646-5553
Neighborhood House: (651) 789-2500 or (651) 793-7349
If you need basic needs such as health insurance, information on unemployment and other resources call Neighborhood House
La Clinica Health Care (651) 602-7500
West Side/ West St. Paul community organized mutual aid (click on tabs at the bottom of the page for childcare, food, offers, asks, deliveries, pet, miscellaneous help, etc.)
Know Your Worker Rights During the COVID-19 Crisis
Conosca los Derechos Durante la Crisis de COVID-19 (available in multiple languages)
Fact sheets available on various topics including house, unemployment, immigration cases, etc.
Apply for cash, emergency, and food assistance (SNAP) at
Links to More Resource Lists
Centro de Trabajadores Unidos en la Lucha (CTUL)
Casa de Esperanza resource directory