Use your creative talents to help bring the vision for the future of Saint Paul’s West Side communities to life. As artists you have a unique ability to tell a story that brings many people together. District Del Sol (Cesar Chavez) and Stryker Avenue community members have been convened to ask for their input about the future of their communities, with an event for Smith Avenue coming this summer. The community has invested a lot of time in sharing their hopes and dreams for public areas, residential areas, businesses, etc. that they would like to see in the future. They have shared what it feels like to live and work in these communities in the future. We invite you to take their stories and share how you’d best represent these West Side Saint Paul neighborhoods. Come join the artists jam session where you will see the information collected so far, including video, visual and written pieces. Discuss your own vision for the West Side and learn how you might be chosen as one of 3 finalist to design an identity reflective of the community’s vision for the future.
WSCO Artist Jam!
June 16, 2018 at 9:30am - 12:30pm