Where is the meeting held?
WSCO’s 2021 Annual meeting will be held online via Zoom.
How do I register for the annual meeting?
To register, visit our Eventbrite page at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wsco-annual-meeting-reunion-anual-de-wsco-tickets-175877683887
Where do I find the Zoom link?
The Zoom link will be emailed to everyone who registers about two hours before the meeting begins.
How do I log in to the Zoom meeting?
- Make sure you have registered via Eventbrite (see above). All registered attendees will receive an email with the link to the zoom meeting.
- Check your email. You will receive an email with the zoom link on November 9th around 4:00PM and again around 6:00PM.
- Click on the Zoom link in your email at 6:00PM on November 9th.
- Make sure to select whether you will be listening in English or Spanish.
How do I select my language?
This is a bilingual meeting in Spanish and English. When you log in to the Zoom meeting, goto the bottom of your screen and click on the globe or flag labeled “Interpretation.” Then, select Spanish or English. You must select either Spanish or English in order to hear the meeting.
More on language access:
- During the meeting: direct message Laura P. or Ellie L. for technical assistance in English, or Genevieve R. in Spanish.
- Watch this 60-second video explaining how to connect to a Zoom meeting with interpretation.
- Visit the Zoom interpretation FAQ page if you have additional questions
What if I can’t hear anything?
If you can’t hear anything, try the following:
- Check your audio settings
- Turn up the volume on your phone or computer
- Make sure you have selected your language (see above)
How can I participate during the meeting?
Participants are automatically muted. We welcome your active participation in the Zoom chat! (see below). Another way to participate is with reactions. Select “reactions” at the bottom of your screen. You can share hearts, applause, and laughter.
How do I see the Zoom chat?
To participate in the chat, go to the bottom of your screen and click on the speech bubble labeled “chat.” By default, your messages will be seen by everyone in the meeting. (To send a direct message, select the down arrow in the chat box where it says “everyone” and choose the person on the list with whom you’d like to chat.)
How do I vote for the 2022 WSCO board?
During the annual meeting, we will share a link to a Google Form where you can vote for 2022 Board members.
How do I know if I will receive a prize?
The first 100 people who register for our annual meeting will receive a free gift and Captain Ken’s chili delivered to their door on Monday, November 8th around 4:30 or 5pm. You’re welcome to eat the chili during the meeting on Tuesday, like we used to in person!
How do I change my screen name in Zoom, or add my pronouns?
If you’d like to change the name that appears on your screen, or add your pronouns, select the three dots in the upper right hand of your video.
Will the meeting be recorded?
Yes. This meeting is being recorded so we can share it with folks who aren’t able to be here tonight. If you do not want your name or video to appear, you can turn off your camera and edit your screen name (see above).