The City of Saint Paul is working on a Request for Proposals (RFP) for future development on the city-owned "Fox Lots" at 149 and 171 Robert St South on the West Side Flats. An RPF asks interested developers to send their plans of what they would build if the city were to sell them the lots. Currently the City is asking for the suggestions, priorities and general feedback for what the West Side community would like to see built here. City staff will use community feedback to craft the guidelines of the RFP.
Submit Development Ideas Here!
Please come to our next West Side Voices Forum if you would like to engage in person! This will be on January 14, 2020 from 6-8pm at the Baker Center - 209 Page Street West.
WSCO is using the Equitable Development Scorecard to give community input to all stages of developments. Decisions on development projects on the West Side are guided by the 2013 West Side Community Plan and the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan (2015). This area of the Fox Lots (the West Side Flats) is also guided by the West Side Flats Master Plan & Development Guidelines.
Adopted as an addendum to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan June 2015:
"The purpose of the West Side Flats Master Plan & Development Guidelines is to guide future private development and public infrastructure projects in the West Side Flats area."
Existing zoning in the West Side Flats study area consists of:
T3M – TRADITIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD WITH MASTER PLAN Between Wabasha and Robert Streets from the riverfront to Plato Blvd. The T3 zoning district is intended to provide for higher-density pedestrian- and transit oriented mixed-use development. Limited production and processing uses are allowed as well. T3 is intended for sites large enough to support:
• a mix of uses including residential, commercial, civic and open space in close proximity to each other;
• a mix of housing styles, types and sizes to accommodate households of varying sizes, ages and incomes;
• a system of interconnected streets and paths that offer multiple routes for motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists, and are connected to existing and future streets; and
• a system of open space resources and amenities, and incorporation of environmental features into the design of the neighborhood.
The “M” designation indicates that this area is also subject to an approved master plan; in this case, the West Side Flats Master Plan and Development Guidelines.
See the kind of homes and businesses allowed in the T3M at Zoning Basics Overview.
West Side Flats Area Developments
For a history of the Equitable Scorecard Development click here
Questions? Contact [email protected]