Last November, the West Side and all of Saint Paul sent a powerful message at the voting booth: we said YES to rent stabilization. On May 1st, this policy will take effect, launching one of the most important housing justice protections in the country.
So many of you, our neighbors, were part of this community-led effort to Keep Saint Paul home for all. Today, Housing Equity Now Saint Paul (HENS) is calling on the people of Saint Paul to take action:
“Despite more than 30,000 voters supporting a clear and detailed rent stabilization policy, the mayor established a 41-member "Stakeholder Group" and stacked it with landlords and developers whose goal is to weaken the ordinance in every way.
Thanks to the power of our community coalition, the stakeholder group includes renters and organizers who are bringing OUR voices to the table, but they need your support.
Now it's time to protect our win at the ballot box by telling this unelected group to honor the will of the voters.”
Click here to learn more, take action, and make your voice heard. Together, we are powerful!