"We’ve been journeying on a year-long process with participatory community research. And we are in a space right now where we’re continuing to narrow recommendations from the families who are most directly impacted, but also from residents who live here today. And as we gear up towards June, we will have a completed report of findings that we will put forward with recommendations.
So this weekend, we’re going to continue to hear from families, we’re going to narrow down some recommendations. And that’s a step in our process. Right now, we really do think that the city of the Port Authority has an opportunity to take accountability for the harm that was caused here in our community.
How many families were not fairly compensated for their homes? What opportunities for generational wealth building were cut short? What was the cultural cost of dispersing what are the city’s most diverse neighborhoods? And who benefited from that displacement? So these are the things that we’re looking at."
– WSCO Executive Director, Monica Bravo, speaking on MPR's Morning Edition. Listen to the interview here
- Learn more about this Sunday's event, From the Flats to the Future
- Read the full article, "Displaced but not forgotten."
- Learn more about the history of the West Side Flats