West Side Voices Forum Meeting Notes Summary.
(The West Side Voices Forum is held the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 6-8 PM at the Baker Center - 209 Page Street West) more info at https://www.wsco.org/westsidevoices
West Side Voices Topics for June 11, 2019:
- Knowledge Drop (community announcements)
- Neighborhood Development Alliance (NeDA) 617 Stryker Development
- Robert Piram Regional Trail and Southport Wetland Project
- Code Compliance Equity Session with City of St. Paul
Meeting Summary:
Dinner started at 6:00 pm
Meeting started with Knowledge Drop at 6:22 pm
- Community Member made request regarding problem trees in the neighborhood. No city protocol to address problem trees on private properties. Community member will come back next month with presentation asking for recommendation to bring it to the city council to approve a committee to look into an ordinance.
- Person from US Census spoke about partnership program with the census bureau. Complete Count Committee (Nancy Brady of Neighborhood House and Complete Count Committee requests Monica Bravo of WSCO to be involved. More information to come. https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/decennial-census/2020-census/complete_count.html
NeDA 617 Stryker Development-
Karen Reid presenting.
The Neighborhood Development Alliance (NeDA) has pre-development status for 617 Stryker block.
The project site plan may be reviewed here at this link.
Development will provide apartments for folks at 60% and 30% AMI (average median income) or below senior housing, 57 units primarily 1 br, will be affordable for 40yrs. Parking is behind building. NeDA is working with LHB Architects.
Currently putting together financing package for state. LBH Architects has put together plan to send to MN Housing for financing.
The building would have small community room.
Navigator Service will be offered to assist residents with access to senior resources.
- Q: How many Units? A: 57, 49 one-bedroom; 8 two-bedroom; Rent set for 50% or 30% of AMI (60% AMI to qualify, but rents set at 50% AMI)
- Q: Will West Siders have priority? A: NeDA will market to the West Side first, then to the broader community.
Q:Will landscaping be pleasant out front? A: Hoping to put boulevard trees.
- Comment: There is a hope that the green space aspect/ feel will be retained.
Robert Piram Regional Trail
Luke Hansen, Transportation Department from City of St. Paul (here for Mary Norton who can’t be here) described the proposal.
Expected to be complete spring of 2021. Complete overview can be seen at https://www.stpaul.gov/departments/parks-recreation/design-construction/current-projects/robert-piram-regional-trail
-Robert Piram Regional Trail, almost 4 miles between Harriet Island and Kaposia Park. Entirely off road trail will be constructed linking Harriet Island and Kaposia Trails.
-Lack of trails in this area is ”a missing tooth in the smile of the bike network”
-Robert Piram was a long serving director of the City's Parks and Recreation Department and valued connection to the Mississippi River.
-Planning began in mid- 2000, and received a regional trail designation 2017.
-Partners: City of St Paul, Ramsey County, Dakota County, federal funds, MN DOT.
Trail segments:
Small area by Lilydale yacht club, adding off road trail to fill gap
Plato Blvd west of Wabasha, will narrow the road and add sidewalk and separate trail
East of Plato, trail 10 ft off road due to road traffic.
Goes along airport, over wetland on boardwalk. Pylons for boardwalk will be installed in the winter to avoid damage
Trail hugs barge channel rd (at grade crossing at barge channel rd) Parks is actively pursuing a bridge over barge channel rd.
Total project costs= 11 million
construction=8-8.3 million
Soft cost= 2 million
Southport Wetland Project, related to Robert Pirum trail
Ava Langston- Kenney from Saint Paul Port Authority presenting
Ava also came to RDLU November 2017
Port Authority came to city council to redevelop and enhance area for industrial purposes and “to get the jobs”.
City required enhancement of wetlands. DNR required upgrading of wetlands (2.5 acres)
City of St. Paul, watershed organizations working with Port Authority on this.
Work will be done in conjunction with Robert Piram trail, improve view shed, remove invasive species.
WSCO primary concern and input in 2017 was to have community access to the trails and wetland restoration projects.
Click here for project overview
Breakouts: Health and Environmental Justice (HEJ), Robert Piram/ Wetlands, Code Compliance Equity Session with City of St. Paul
Call back- recap:
- NeDA- there is an aging population on the West Side that will benefit from additional senior housing
- Robert Piram- there will be a trail. Discussion for access to trail from WS neighborhoods still happening.
- Southport Wetland- as soon as project is scheduled the Saint Paul Port Authority wants to come back to involve community.
- HEJ- Evening Market at Parque Castillo will be held on August 22nd, Seeking community Vendors participation to sell wares and goods. See [email protected]
- Equity Code Compliance Group- Showed map of issues, did seem to be areas of POC low income, they don’t want to send notices to elders who can’t mow. City does not cite folks directly, they rely on complaints from neighbors. Considering change from anonymous complaints. Held a separate breakout session with West Side residents directly affected by this issue.