Interested in getting involved in your own community? Don't know where to start? Join us for our Monthly "West Side Voices: Food & Forum." Get involved in, and learn about, happenings on the West Side - be a part of building and creating solutions! No previous experience needed, your lived expertise is more than enough.
Potluck! Bring food if you can. Childcare provided.
This is an initiative through WSCO, moving towards all West Siders having a voice in making decisions about their community.
This month the main topic will be the a community visioning for future development on the"Fox Lots" at 147 & 149 S. Robert Street. Give input on what you would like to see on these lots and learn about their development status. Can't wait or can't come to the meeting? Please fill this form to send us your thoughts!
Project by project, the West Side Voices Forum is influencing the future of our neighborhood. As a West Sider, you belong here as a decision maker about your neighborhood. These meetings include information about land use, business, social, and environmental issues on the West Side - and more! The forum is held the second Tuesday of each month from 6-8pm at Baker Center. West Side residents age 16 years or greater who attend three consecutive meetings become voting members. All are encouraged to share their perspectives.