Content warning: Police Brutality
We, at WSCO, stand in solidarity with the family of George Floyd, the unarmed black man killed yesterday in broad daylight by the Minneapolis Police Department. Already on the ground and handcuffed, Mr. Floyd yelled out, “I cannot breathe . . . don’t kill me,” as a white police officer pressed his knee into Mr. Floyd’s neck, despite pleas from witnesses who begged the officer to take his knee off Mr. Floyd’s neck. Mr. Floyd later died at Hennepin County Medical Center.
At WSCO we reject violent and failing practices, and we demand justice for George Floyd, his family, and community members. We also demand accountability from decision-makers. We know that these violent systems were created by people, and they can be changed by people. George Floyd should be alive today.
Tonight we are postponing our Board Meeting and are asking you and others in our WSCO family to attend a 5 pm protest at 38th and Chicago. Please wear masks, plan to practice social distancing (we are visiting another community that is primarily black and brown - we must take the right precautions to keep people safe), and dress comfortably. Please bring signs if you have them.#BlackLivesMatter
You can find the protest details here:
KARE TV story: