WSCO is creating its strategic plan, and we need your input!
What is a strategic plan? A strategic plan is a high-level roadmap of the work WSCO plans to do for the next two years. This strategic plan builds on much of the work already in progress, which was – and continues to be - informed and driven by community.
How will we use this plan? WSCO staff will use this high-level strategic plan to develop more specific work plans each year to guide their work. They will work to achieve key metrics established by the board to assess how well they’re progressing toward their work.
Read the draft: To see key metrics and a more detailed draft of the strategic plan, please click here.
Share your thoughts: please provide your feedback by answering these 4 questions here by November 8, 2024:
- What parts of WSCO’s work most interests you and/or you would be willing to get involved with?
- What parts of WSCO’s work are you less familiar with or have questions about?
- Is there anything not listed in the strategic plan that you’d like to see WSCO work on in the future?
- Do you have any other feedback or questions about WSCO’s strategic plan?
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