Event location: Sunray Shopping Center, 2105 Old Hudson Rd, St Paul, MN 55119-4406, United States
From the West Side to the North End, from Frogtown to the East Side, *everyone* in our city should have a safe, stable place to call home. But, a growing number of corporate and predatory landlords have chosen profit over people, spiking rents to make more money and forcing our neighbors out of their homes.
We have the power to stop that.
As Saint Paul residents, we can organize and put our issues directly on the ballot. That’s why the Housing Equity Now St Paul (HENS) coalition is leading an effort to collect 10,000 signatures of registered St. Paul voters and put rent stabilization on the November 2021 ballot!
• Do you want to stop displacement and Keep St. Paul Home for everyone?
• Are you a St. Paul resident?
• Are you a St. Paul resident?
We need your signature!
Stop by Sunray Shopping Center anytime from 12-6pm to sign the petition — and bring your friends, family, neighbors and others in your network. You must be a St. Paul resident and registered voter to sign the petition, but we can get you registered to vote on site if you are eligible!
Learn much more and find ways to support rent control even if you’re not eligible to vote or don’t live in St Paul: www.housingequitystp.org
And please *SHARE* this event with your networks! Together we can get 10,000 signatures and put rent control on the ballot THIS YEAR!
1. How do I make sure my signature counts?
Here are a few tips on how to ensure the City Clerk counts your signature. Make sure:
• to sign the petition in ink. No pencils!
• to print your handwriting as clearly as possible. If the city clerk can’t read your name, they can’t verify your voter status.
• to write your FULL year of birth in four digits. Ex: if you were born in 1988, write your birth year as 1988, not ‘88.
• to write the ward and precinct that you live in. Find your ward and precinct here: https://www.gis.leg.mn/iMaps/precincts/
• your voter registration is up to date. If the address you’re registered to vote at doesn’t match the address on the petition, your signature won’t count.
Here are a few tips on how to ensure the City Clerk counts your signature. Make sure:
• to sign the petition in ink. No pencils!
• to print your handwriting as clearly as possible. If the city clerk can’t read your name, they can’t verify your voter status.
• to write your FULL year of birth in four digits. Ex: if you were born in 1988, write your birth year as 1988, not ‘88.
• to write the ward and precinct that you live in. Find your ward and precinct here: https://www.gis.leg.mn/iMaps/precincts/
• your voter registration is up to date. If the address you’re registered to vote at doesn’t match the address on the petition, your signature won’t count.
2. What’s the policy we’re fighting for?
• We’re putting a rent stabilization policy on the ballot that limits the rate of rent increase in a year. Specifically, we are fighting for a 3% maximum rent increase within a 12-month period. This allowable increase would apply to all rental units across the city, meaning it would protect ALL renters from egregious rent increases.
• We’re putting a rent stabilization policy on the ballot that limits the rate of rent increase in a year. Specifically, we are fighting for a 3% maximum rent increase within a 12-month period. This allowable increase would apply to all rental units across the city, meaning it would protect ALL renters from egregious rent increases.
3. Isn’t there a state law prohibiting rent stabilization?
• There is a state law preventing cities from passing rent stabilization ordinances - UNLESS they pass by ballot measure. Chapter 8 of Saint Paul’s City Charter gives residents the power to advance an ordinance through the ballot. We have the power!
• There is a state law preventing cities from passing rent stabilization ordinances - UNLESS they pass by ballot measure. Chapter 8 of Saint Paul’s City Charter gives residents the power to advance an ordinance through the ballot. We have the power!
4. Do I have to be a Saint Paul resident to sign the petition?
• Yes. According to Minnesota State Law, only registered voters in Saint Paul can sign the petition. In order to be eligible to sign, you must be a U.S. citizen, current resident of Saint Paul and registered to vote at your current address. Each signature will be verified by the Saint Paul City Clerk. They will check the address and voter registration of each signer.
• Yes. According to Minnesota State Law, only registered voters in Saint Paul can sign the petition. In order to be eligible to sign, you must be a U.S. citizen, current resident of Saint Paul and registered to vote at your current address. Each signature will be verified by the Saint Paul City Clerk. They will check the address and voter registration of each signer.
5. Do I have to be a registered voter?
• Yes, you must be registered to vote at your current address. Each signature will be verified by the Saint Paul City Clerk. They will check the address and voter registration of each signer.
• Register to vote or update your registration here: https://mnvotes.sos.state.mn.us/.../VoterRegistrationMain...
• Check your registration here: https://mnvotes.sos.state.mn.us/VoterStatus.aspx
• Yes, you must be registered to vote at your current address. Each signature will be verified by the Saint Paul City Clerk. They will check the address and voter registration of each signer.
• Register to vote or update your registration here: https://mnvotes.sos.state.mn.us/.../VoterRegistrationMain...
• Check your registration here: https://mnvotes.sos.state.mn.us/VoterStatus.aspx
6. Can I sign the petition online?
• No. As much as we’d like to, we cannot gather signatures online. Minnesota State Law requires that signatures be collected on paper.
• No. As much as we’d like to, we cannot gather signatures online. Minnesota State Law requires that signatures be collected on paper.
7. I want to help collect signatures! How can I support the movement?
• We’re excited that you want to help! We ask that if you want to collect signatures, you do one volunteer training with us so that we can train you on the legal requirements of the document and get some practice collecting signatures before you go out on your own.
• Our first training will be a virtual and take place Thursday, March 25th, 7-8 pm. You can sign up for that training here:
• You can sign up for other volunteer opportunities at https://www.housingequitystp.org/join_us
• We’re excited that you want to help! We ask that if you want to collect signatures, you do one volunteer training with us so that we can train you on the legal requirements of the document and get some practice collecting signatures before you go out on your own.
• Our first training will be a virtual and take place Thursday, March 25th, 7-8 pm. You can sign up for that training here:
• You can sign up for other volunteer opportunities at https://www.housingequitystp.org/join_us
March 27, 2021 at 12:00pm - 12pm
Sunray Shopping Center, St. Paul