Draft air quality permit for Sanimax USA LLC
Why are we notifying you?
What is the company proposing to do?
Sanimax applied to amend its air quality permit to replace a failed cooker with a new unit that has an increased capacity and to increase the particulate matter limits associated with the facility’s cookers. In addition to these changes, a new scrubber will be added to control odor emissions. The MPCA announced an enforcement action against Sanimax in August 2024 because the company failed to apply for a major air permit amendment and conduct required air emissions modeling before making changes to its pollution control equipment systems. At the request of the Permittee, the MPCA created a Schedule of Compliance (SOC) for Sanimax. The SOC is a formal agreement that allowed the Permittee to replace their failed cooker before the issuance of their major amendment, but also specified actions and timelines that the facility must follow to address any regulatory concerns and maintain compliance. The addition of the new scrubber to control odor emissions was part of that SOC.
What are Sanimax’s emissions?
The primary emission sources for this facility include multiple cookers, boilers, dryers, and milling equipment located on-site at their South St. Paul facility. The main pollutant of concern is particulate matter (PM, PM10, and PM2.5). It is generated as a byproduct of various materials that are cooked, milled, and dried. facility operates and maintains several fabric filters, scrubbers, and a particulate capture unit to control particulate matter emissions at the facility.
Public participation is an important part of MPCA permitting decisions. A public meeting has been scheduled for Jan. 30 from 6:30 to 8 p.m., at South St. Paul City Hall, located at 125 3rd Ave. N., South St. aul, Minn. 55075. The city can be reached at (651) 554-3200. Further details about the meeting will be made available on the city’s website. The permit is expected to be available for public comment in early winter 2025. You can view draft permits posted for public comment at www.pca.state.mn.us/public-notices.
More information on how to make effective comments is available at: https://www.pca.state.mn.us/get-engaged/public-participation