What would you do if your rent suddenly spiked beyond what you could afford? Cut back on food? Skip school supplies? Move out? Many of our neighbors here on the West Side are getting hit with 5% or even 15% rent hikes, from landlords who aren’t following the rules– or assuming that renters won’t stand up for themselves.
But we know our rights: the people of Saint Paul organized and won the right to stable rents– and now landlords can’t raise the rent more than 3% a year.
Our housing justice organizers are on the ground working with neighbors to make sure their rights are respected and that landlords follow the law. If you’ve received a rent hike and want to find out what you can do, reach out to Katrina Mendoza Garcia, our Organizing and Programs Manager, at [email protected] or (651) 404-5689.
Above: West Side renters prepare to take action with WSCO after discussing rent hikes and unsafe living conditions.